BREXIT… Are you ready?

The UK Government has recently announced that while some border requirements are being postponed until mid-2022, it intends on proceeding with its plan to require full customs declarations on goods imported from the EU as of the 1st of January 2022.
The effect of this decision has the potential to cause delays at ports and have a knock on effect to UK supply chains.
Brexit will affect all Imports & Exports. To ensure you are prepared, you need to have the following in place:
An EORI Number
- Even if you are trading below the VAT threshold, you will need to apply for an EORI number from HMRC.
Apply for a Duty Deferment Account
- This will allow you to postpone Import Duty payments. You can apply for a Deferment account with HMRC.
Check/Get to Know the Customs Commodity Codes/Incoterms & VAT rates for your goods
- These are key pieces of information which will determine how much Duty and VAT you pay on your goods.
Ensure you have commercial invoices for all consignments (Imports & Exports)
- Commercial invoices are required for all goods in their entirety, both Imports & Exports.
What UCH can do to support you:
UCH has invested in systems which are future proofed and able to adapt to the many unknowns inherited by Brexit.
We are able to support you in the following key areas to help you move your cargo with minimal disruption:
AEO Accredited
- AEO is an accreditation which indicates that our role in the supply chain is secure and reliable, and our Customs procedures and controls are compliant and efficient. It also gives us priority clearance, meaning we can clear your goods faster.
Duty Deferment Account
- Negating the need for you to set up a Deferment account.
- We have a dedicated & experienced team who can handle your clearances and provide impartial advice on customs procedures.
- We have invested in cloud based systems which are linked directly to the Customs CDS – Customs Declaration System (formerly known as CHIEF), and is capable of adapting to any requirements HMRC legislate, saving you on R&D and software fees.
Known Consignee/Consignor
- Allowing us to create and discharge T1 documents on your behalf.
- UCH can help pre-clear consignments within 24 hours of receipt of your notice to us. We then send you an MRN number which enables GVMS to issue a GRN to your haulier, fast tracking your travel through the port.
To find out how else we can help or if you have any questions in regard to Brexit, get in touch with us on or by calling 01784 242 824.
Import Clearance & T1 Discharge:
Following the UK’s departure from the European Customs Union, the UK government intends on proceeding with its requirement for full customs declarations on goods imported from the EU, prior to arrival, as of the 1st of January 2022.
In order to prepare and avoid delays at the ports, we advise you do the following:
- Ensure your business is ready & compliant. Engage with suppliers to ensure they can provide all of the paperwork and information required to clear goods through UK customs. EU suppliers have not yet been implicated and may not be ready for the transition on 01/01/2022.
- Secure fall-back or alternate routes. Most of the disruption is expected at roll-on roll-off ports which have not got the systems to cope with high volumes of traffic requiring customs clearance. To avoid disruption during the transition period, using a routes such as short sea shipping which have the systems needed to handle customs processes.
There are various ways UCH can support your EU import requirements. For more information, click here to view our European Clearance Tariff.
T1 Exports – European Road Freight
UCH is a HMRC authorised Consignee & Consignor, this means in addition to terminating T1’s in the UK, we are able to create T1 transit documents that allow movement of freight into the EU.
Read on for answers to commonly asked T1 Export questions & get in touch with us on for rates & enquiries:
T1 Exports – European Road Freight – FAQ’s
T1 Export refers to a shipment from the UK to the EU.
T1 Import refers to a shipment from the EU to the UK.
T1 Export FAQ:
1. What are your charges for raising an Export T1?
Please contact us on for rates & enquiries.
2. Is the “use of CTG” fee refundable once the T1 is discharged?
No, this is a fee set by UCH for the use of the CTG.
3. Can UCH raise a T1 against a CTG that isn’t UCH’s and must this be a UK based company CTG?
No, it must be on UCH’s CCG
4. What details do we need to provide you in order to raise a T1?
Please get in touch with us on for full details.
5. What happens if the T1 is not discharged correctly or at the address named on the T1?
The discharge is the responsibility of the company requesting the T1 from UCH.
UCH will contact the discharge facility to confirm the vehicle mentioned on the T1 has been discharged correctly. If they confirm this is correct, UCH will contact NCTS to complete the discharge on behalf of the company requesting the T1.
If the T1 is not discharged correctly UCH will hold the company requesting the T1 liable for any fines and charges incurred by HMRC as a result. All fines and charges will be payable immediately and it is the responsibility of the company requesting the T1 to pursue the transport company responsible for reimbursement.
6. How long does it take to raise a T1?
If we assume all paperwork is in place (Credit Application Form/Credit Check, Indemnity Letter is Signed and Returned on headed paper by a company Director), then upon receipt of the complete information required to generate a T1, the application will take c.60 minutes to process.
UCH have no control over the granting of the T1 and the time taken for NCTS to grant the T1 is normally 45mins – 90mins.
Once the T1 is granted UCH will contact the requesting company to confirm acceptance / denial.
Please note any denial of T1 by NCTS may still result in a fee being payable to UCH.
7. Can the T1 and Logistics Envelope be emailed to me once granted?
Yes, UCH will be able to email the T1 and Logistics envelope to the requesting company address.
8. Do UCH have to view / check the freight at one of their facilities before the T1 can be raised?
No, it will be your responsibility to makes sure the declaration is correct as the Letter of Indemnity means UCH will hold you, the requester, liable for any fines and fees applicable to your shipment.
9. How long will the Letter of Indemnity be valid for?
UCH will have up to 4 years from date of discharge to reclaim any fees and fines incurred.
10. Can T1’s be raised out of hours?
Yes, however the NCTS support team work 8am to 5pm. This means that if there is an error, NCTS will reject the entry and the error can only be rectified when NCTS return the following day.
Glossary of Terms:
– Customs Transit Guarantee; a customs guarantee for VAT movements from non-EU to EU destinations.
– Customs Comprehensive Guarantee; a customs guarantee agreement that covers Customs Duty, Excise Duty and Import VAT when regularly importing goods or using common and Union transit.
– New Computerised Transit System; a system of electronic declaration & processing that traders must use to submit Common Transit declarations.
– T1 Shipping Note; A customs document used in cross-border movement of goods for transporting customs goods from one customs office to another.